Tolle Suche in Japan

Liste der Touristenattraktionen : Iken

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Iken is a small village and civil parish in the sandlands of the English county of Suffolk, an area formerly of heathland and sheep pasture. It is near the estuary of the River Alde on the North Sea coast and is located south east of Snape and due north of Orford. To its west is Tunstall Forest, created since the 1920s by the Forestry Commission and now part of the Sandlings Forest. Iken was part of Sudbourne Hall Estate. It was composed largely of tenant farms and cottages for farm workers. The owners of the estate valued the area more for shooting than farming, and a decoy pond was built at Iken in the eighteenth century. Since the break up of the Estate Iken has remained a "close" village: only a handful of new houses have been built and no council houses have ever been built. In the pre-railway era Iken Cliff was a commercial area used for transporting coal and wheat, and there was a public house near the shore. Flat barges used to sit on the mud at low tide and goods were moved in wheelbarrows. The last heathland around Iken Cliff was ploughed up after the second world war. The population reached a peak of 380 in 1840, steadily declining to around 100. During World War II most of Iken and the neighbouring village of Sudbourne were used as a battle training area in advance of the D-Day landings in June 1944. The inhabitants were relocated returning sometime after the war finished.Benjamin Britten set his opera The Little Sweep in Iken Hall, then the home of Margery Spring Rice, who was one of the founders of the Aldeburgh Festival. Britten, who then lived at Snape, was involved in an unsuccessful campaign to keep open a footpath along the Alde to Iken Church. (English,instead German)
Bevölkerung:1,577 Bereich:103.07km2
Offizielle Seite  Wikipedia

Iken : Insel

Edateku-jima (japanisch 枝手久島) ist eine unbewohnte Insel der Amami-Gruppe. In der lokalen Amami-Sprache, einer der Ryūkyū-Sprachen, wird sie Izatobanare (イザトバナレ) genannt.[1] Administrativ gehört die Insel zum Dorf Uken-son (宇検村) im Landkreis Ōshima-gun der Präfektur Kagoshima.Die vor der Südwestküste von Amami-Ōshima gelegene Insel hat eine Fläche von 5,81 km².[2] Die höchste Erhebung der Insel bildet der Eboshi-dake mit einer Höhe von 322 m. Die östlichste Landspitze heißt Akazaki (赤崎, „Rote Landzunge“) und im Norden liegt Togurasaki (トグラ崎, „Kap Togura“).[3]
Wikipedia  Detail

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