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Musashino Kannon Pilgrimage

The Musashino Kannon Pilgrimage (Japanese: 武蔵野三十三観音霊場, Musashino Sanjūsan(33) Kan-non Reijō) is a Japanese pilgrimage of thirty three Buddhist temples and an extra one, founded 1940. The temples located in Tokyo and Saitama prefectures, and along the Seibu Railway (formerly name is "Musashino" Railway). The sanctuaries are situated nearby urban area of Tokyo, and the Musashino Kannon Pilgrimage Ground Association prepares dedicaded stamp books for this pilgrimage, so it can be said it is a kind of relatively easy pilgrimade. Each temple has its own go-eika, which is a kind of tanka for pilgrimage. In addition, it is sometimes called "The hundred[note 1] Kannon Prilgrimage in Musashi Province[note 2]" together with the Chichibu 34 Kannon Sanctuary and the Sayama Kannon Pilgrimage.[1][2][3]

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