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An'yō-in (Kamakura)

Gionzan An’yō-in Chōraku-ji (祇園山安養院長楽寺) is a Jōdo shū Buddhist temple in Kamakura, Kanagawa, Japan.[1] Famous for its rhododendrons, it was named after its founder's (great historical figure Hōjō Masako) posthumous name.[1] The main object of worship is Amida Nyorai,[2] but it also enshrines Senju Kannon, Goddess of Mercy. An’yō-in is Number three of the 33 temples of the Bandō Sanjūsankasho pilgrimage circuit.[2]
Affiliation:  Jōdo
Location:  Ōmachi 3-1-22, 248-0007 Kamakura  

An'yō-in (Kamakura)  Click to go to Wikipedia