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Hongan-ji Nagoya Betsuin

The Hongan-ji Nagoya Betsuin (本願寺派名古屋別院) is a Jōdo Shinshū Buddhist temple located in Naka ward, Nagoya in central Japan. The temple is a short distance south of Ōsu Kannon Station. It is also known a Nishi Betsuin (西別院; "Western branch temple"), being associated with Nishi Hongan-ji (西本願寺) in Kyoto. It is contrasted with the Ōtani-ha temple of the same name, popularly known as Higashi Betsuin (東別院; "Eastern branch temple").
Affiliation:  Jōdo Shinshū Honganji-ha
Location:  754 Monzenchō, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture  

Hongan-ji Nagoya Betsuin  Click to go to Wikipedia