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Kongōrin-ji (金剛輪寺), also known as Matsuo-dera (松尾寺) (from its location) is a Buddhist temple of the Tendai sect located in the town of Aishō, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. The honzon of the temple is Kannon Bosatsu. The temple was founded in the early Heian period and together with Saimyō-ji in Kōra and Hyakusai-ji in Higashiōmi the temple forms a group of three temples known as Kotō-sanzan (湖東三山, lit. "three mountains east of the lake"). The complex includes a Main Hall that is designated as National Treasures, which contains many statues from the Heian period onwards which are Important Cultural Properties and a garden designated as National Place of Scenic Beauty.
Affiliation:  Buddhism

Kongōrin-ji  Click to go to Wikipedia