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Jingo-ji (神護寺) is a Buddhist temple in Kyoto. It stands on Mount Takao to the northwest of the center of the city. The temple adheres to Shingon Buddhism. Its principal image is a statue of Bhaisajyaguru (Yakushi Nyorai), the Buddha of Healing or "Medicine Buddha". The temple was first established in the year 824, as a merger of two private temples founded earlier by Wake no Kiyomaro. They were the Jingan-ji (神願寺) in Kiyomaro's home province and the Takaosan-ji (高雄山寺).
Affiliation:  Shingon Buddhism
Location:  5 Takao-chō, Ume-ga-hata, Ukyō-ku Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture  

Jingo-ji  Click to go to Wikipedia