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Manshu-in ((曼殊院), Manshu-in), also known as the Manshuin Monzeki, is a Tendai monastery located near the Shugakuin Imperial Villa at Sakyō-ku, Ichijo-ji, Takenouchi-cho, in northeast Kyoto, Japan. The monastery was founded by Dengyō Daishi in the 8th century. It was then located near Mount Hiei and known as Tobibo, but renamed Manshuin in 1108 or 1109. In the early Edo period the monastery moved to its current site. Today the monastery is notable both for its buildings and a fine garden – the gardens of the Manshu-in shoin are a nationally designated Place of Scenic Beauty.[1]
Affiliation:  Tendai
Location:  Sakyō-ku, Kyoto  

Manshu-in  Click to go to Wikipedia