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Yoshimine-dera (善峯寺) is a temple of the Tendai school of Buddhism in the western ward of Nishikyō-ku, in Kyoto.[1] It is built on the western hills (Nishiyama) overlooking the city. It was founded in 1029 by Gensan.[2] The main image is a statue of thousand-armed Kannon.[3] Notable features include the "Gliding Dragon" pine tree (Yōryu no matsu, a natural monument), which was trained to grow horizontally and was once over 50 meters long,[4][5] and a Tahōtō two-story pagoda (an Important Cultural Asset).[3]
Affiliation:  Tendai
Location:  1372 Ōharano Oshiochō Nishikyō-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture  

Yoshimine-dera  Click to go to Wikipedia