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Shitennō-ji (Japanese: 四天王寺, Temple of the Four Heavenly Kings) is a Buddhist temple in Ōsaka, Japan. It is also known as Arahaka-ji, Nanba-ji, or Mitsu-ji. The temple is sometimes regarded as the first Buddhist and oldest officially-administered temple in Japan,[1][2] although the temple complex and buildings have been rebuilt over the centuries, with the last reconstruction taking place in 1963. Shortly after World War II, Shitennō-ji became independent of the parent Tendai sect, and formed the "Wa" sect (wa-shū, 和宗) of Buddhism.[3]
Affiliation:  Wa-shū
Location:  1-1-18 Shitennō-ji  

Shitennō-ji  Click to go to Wikipedia