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Jōdo-ji (Ono)

The Gokurakusan Jōdo-ji (極楽山浄土寺) is a temple of the Shingon sect in Ono, Hyōgo, Japan. It was first established by Chōgen in 1190 – 1198, and the temple structures have undergone several reconstruction efforts since then, with the last reconstruction taking place in 1632. Jōdo-ji's Jōdodō completed in 1194 is a National Treasure of Japan.[citation needed] The architecture is in the Daibutsu style that combines Japanese and Chinese elements.
Affiliation:  Shingon
Location:  2094, Kiyotani-cho, Ono, Hyogo 675–1317  

Jōdo-ji (Ono)  Click to go to Wikipedia