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Ōminesan-ji (大峯山寺, Ōminesan-ji) is an important temple of the Shugendō religion in Yoshino district, Nara prefecture, Japan. It is located at the peak of Mount Ōmine, or Sanjōgatake. According to tradition, it was founded by En no Ozunu, the founder of Shugendō, a form of mountain asceticism drawing from Buddhist and Shinto beliefs. Along with Kinpusen-ji Temple, it is considered the most important temple in Shugendō.[1]
Affiliation:  Shugendō
Location:  Ōmine-san, Tenkawa-mura Yoshino-gun, Nara Prefecture  
Stairs on the way to Oominesan-ji temple

Ōminesan-ji  Click to go to Wikipedia