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Raikyū-ji (頼久寺) is a Buddhist temple located in the Raikyūcho neighborhood of the city of Takahashi, Okayama Prefecture, Japan. The temple's full name is Tenchū-zan Ankoku Raikyū-ji (天柱山安国頼久寺). It belongs to the Eigen-ji branch of Rinzai school of Japanese Buddhism, and its honzon is a statue of Kannon Bosatsu. It is known for its Japanese garden, which was designated a NationalPlace of Scenic Beauty in 1974, with the area under protection expanded in 2009 to include the Main Hall and Shoin of the temple.[1]
Affiliation:  Buddhist
Location:  18 Raikyūcho, Takahashi-shi, Okayama-ken  

Raikyū-ji  Click to go to Wikipedia