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Enkaku-ji (Okinawa)

Enkaku-ji (円覚寺, Okinawan: ウフティラ ufutira, lit. "the great temple"[1]) was a Rinzai Buddhist temple and royal bodaiji of the Ryūkyū Kingdom, in Naha, Okinawa. The temple was erected during the reign of King Shō Shin (r. 1477–1526), the first abbot being Kaiin Shōko (芥隠承琥). It was also used as bodaiji of Ryukyuan kings. Ryukyuan kings would visit Enkaku-ji, Tennō-ji and Tenkai-ji after their genpuku and investiture.[2]
Affiliation:  Rinzai Zen
Location:  Shuri Tōnokura 2-1, Naha, Okinawa prefecture  

Enkaku-ji (Okinawa)  Click to go to Wikipedia