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Saruka Shrine

Saruka Jinja (猿賀神社), sometimes rendered Saruga, is a Shinto shrine in Hirakawa, Aomori Prefecture, Japan. The shrine is said to have been founded in 807, when Sakanoue no Tamuramaro came north during the campaigns against the Ezo.[1][2] The Honden, dating to 1826, is a Prefecturally-designated Important Cultural Property.[3][4] Preserved building records (棟札) are a City-designated Important Cultural Property (Historic Materials).[5] There is an annual rice-planting festival and a pond of pink lotus.[2] The main kami enshrined here is Kamitsukenokimitaji no mikoto (上毛野君田道命).
Affiliation:  Shinto
Location:  Hirakawa, Aomori Prefecture  
Date established:  807  

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