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Asakusa Shrine

Asakusa Shrine (浅草神社, Asakusa-jinja) is a Shinto shrine located in the Asakusa district of Tokyo, Japan. Also known as Sanja-sama (Shrine of the Three gods), it is one of the most famous Shinto shrines in the city.[3] The shrine honors the three men who founded the Sensō-ji. Asakusa Shrine is part of a larger grouping of sacred buildings in the area. It can be found on the east side of the Sensō-ji down a street marked by a large stone torii.
Affiliation:  Shinto
Location:  2-26-1, Asakusa, Taitō-kuTokyo 111-0032  
Deity:  Hinokuma HamanariHinokuma TakenariHajino Matsuchi[1]Ebisu[2]  
Date established:  1649  

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