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Kamigamo Shrine

Kamigamo Shrine (上賀茂神社, Kamigamo Jinja) is an important Shinto sanctuary on the banks of the Kamo River in north Kyoto, first founded in 678.[1] Its formal name is the Kamo-wakeikazuchi Shrine (賀茂別雷神社, Kamo-wakeikazuchi jinja).[2] It is one of the oldest Shinto shrines in Japan and is one of the seventeen Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto which have been designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. The term Kamo-jinja in Japanese is a general reference to Shimogamo Shrine and Kamigamo Shrine, the traditionally linked Kamo shrines of Kyoto.[3] The Kamo-jinja serve the function of protecting Kyoto from malign influences.[4]
Affiliation:  Shinto
Location:  339 Kamigamomotoyama, Kita-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture  
Deity:  Kamowakeikazuchinomikoto  
Festival:  Aoi Matsuri (Kamo no Matsuri; May 15th)  
Type:  ShikinaishaTwenty-Two ShrinesYamashiro no Kuni ichinomiyaFormer kanpeitaishaChokusaishaBeppyo jinja  
Date established:  678  

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