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Miyake Hachimangū

Miyake-Hachimangū (三宅八幡宮) is a Shinto shrine, in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Japan. The shrine is famous for worship to beneficial to children, such as baby colic, academic achievement, safe delivery of childbirth. Because Mushi (虫, parasitic worms, insects, bugs) was thought to cause baby colic (疳の虫; kan-no mushi), the shrine also has worship for power to expel Mushi. Therefore the shrine is so-called Mushi-hachiman (虫八幡). Recently, many pieces of large size of Ema was excavated, that represent worship to expel Mushi, and the Ema were designated as National Folk Cultural Properties.
Affiliation:  Shinto
Location:  Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture  
Deity:  Hachiman  
Type:  Hachiman Shrine  
Date established:  859  

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