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Hiro Hachiman Shrine

Hiro Hachiman Jinja (広八幡神社) is a Shinto shrine located in the town of Hirogawa, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. The shrine is dedicated to the kami Hachiman. It contains a number of structures which are designated as National Important Cultural Properties. The shrine is also known for its monument to local hero Hamaguchi Goryō, who saved local villagers from a tsunami during the 1854 Ansei-Nankai earthquake, as recounted in “A Living God” by Lafcadio Hearn in his Gleanings in Buddha Fields (1897). This monument with an inscription by Katsu Kaishu and calligraphy Iwaya Ichiroku, was designated a National Historic Site in 2015. [1]
Affiliation:  Shinto
Location:  206 Kaminakano Hirogawa-cho Arida-gun Wakayama-ken  
Deity:  Hachiman  
Festival:  October 1  

Hiro Hachiman Shrine  Click to go to Wikipedia