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Take Shrine

Take Shrine (多家神社) is a Sōja shrine in Fuchu, Aki District, Hiroshima. [1][2][3] It is a Sōja shrine so it enshrines all the kami of the shrines in Aki Province. It is located on the site of Hiroshima Castle.[3] It was mentioned in 927 in the Engishiki and highly ranked as a Myojin Taisha..[4] There used to be an earlier Soja Shrine before it was moved here
Affiliation:  Shinto
Deity:  Emperor Jimmu, Akitsuhiko no Mikoto [ja] (founder of Aki Province), Empress Jingu, Emperor Ojin, Okuninushi, all the deities of its province  
Type:  Sōja shrine  

Take Shrine  Click to go to Wikipedia