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Isono Shrine

Isono Shrine (伊曽乃神社) is a Shinto shrine located in Saijō, Shikoku, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. It is a Beppyo shrine. It is notable for two different festivals: Saijo Matsuri,[1][2][3] and Isono Jinja Sairei.[4][5] The Saijo Matsuri is held between October 15 and 16.[1][2][3] Forty Matsuri floats are carried across the Kamo river.[6] The festival has existed since the Edo period[7][8] and is used to promote disaster awareness.[8]
Affiliation:  Shinto
Location:  Saijō, Ehime Prefecture  
Deity:  Amaterasu's Aramitama, Takekuni Koriwake no Miko [ja]  

Isono Shrine  Click to go to Wikipedia