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Kōra taisha

Kōra Taisha (高良大社, Kōra-taisha) is a Shinto shrine located on Mount Kōra of the city of Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. It is the ichinomiya of former Chikugo Province as well as its sōja shrine.[1] The shrine's main festival is held annually on 9 October.[2] It was also known as the Kōra Tamatare no mikoto Jinja (高良玉垂命神社) or the Kōra Tamatare no miya (高良玉垂宮)
Affiliation:  Shinto
Location:  1 Mii-machi, Kurume-shi, Fukuoka-ken  
Deity:  Kōra Tamatare no mikoto  
Festival:  9 October  
Date established:  pre-Nara period  

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