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Nitta Shrine (Satsumasendai City)

Nitta Shrine (Japanese: 新田神社 (薩摩川内市)) is a Shinto shrine located in Satsumasendai, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. The Nitta Shrine houses two notable subshrines the Nitta Hachimangu, an ichinomiya or a first ranked shrine of its province, and the Shukō Jinja, a Sōja shrine or a shrine that enshrines all the gods of its province.
Affiliation:  Shinto
Deity:  Hachiman Ninigi Susanoo (Gozu Tenno) Nitta Yoshisada all the deities of Satsuma Province (Sōja shrine)  
Type:  Sōja shrine  

Nitta Shrine (Satsumasendai City)  Click to go to Wikipedia