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Miyagi Zao Fox Village

Miyagi Zao Fox Village, also known as Kitsune Mura, is a tourist attraction and sanctuary for foxes in Shiroishi, Miyagi, Japan where visitors can feed and interact with foxes.[1][2][3][4] The village's main exhibit is an open area where foxes roam around and visitors can enter to interact with and feed them, although attempting to pet or hand-feed the foxes is not advised as they may bite.[5] There are over 100 foxes, including typical red and arctic foxes, foxes with uncommon coat colors, such as silver and platinum foxes, and red-arctic fox hybrids.[1][6] The village also has rabbits, miniature horses, goats, and guinea pigs, in addition to gift and snack shops.[2][5] In the spring, events are hosted in which visitors can hug fox kits.[7]

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