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Wajima Museum of Urushi Art

The Wajima Museum of Urushi Art (Japanese: 石川県輪島漆芸美術館) is a museum located in Wajima, Japan. The museum specializes in lacquer art. The museum was opened in 1991, originally the museum contains 300 works at its opening, in 2021, it was recorded that there were 1428 works of art that the museum contained.[1] In August 2020, the museum organized a virtual exhibition through the Google Arts & Culture platform.[2] In June 2021, a ceremony was held for the expansion of the museum's storage.[1] This is the first museum in Japan that specializes in lacquer art.[3] The design of the building is inspired by Shogakuin's school building.[citation needed]
Location:  Wajima, Japan
Opened:  1991  
Type:  Art Museum  

Wajima Museum of Urushi Art  Click to go to Wikipedia