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Tsugaru Quasi-National Park

Tsugaru Quasi-National Park (津軽国定公園, Tsugaru Kokutei Kōen) is a quasi-national park in Aomori Prefecture in the far northern Tōhoku region of Honshū in Japan. It is rated a protected landscape (category V) according to the IUCN.[2] The park includes a number of discontinuous areas on Tsugaru Peninsula, including the volcanic peaks of Mount Iwaki, a portion of the primeval Siebold's beech forests of Shirakami-Sanchi UNESCO World Heritage Site, Cape Tappi, other coastal areas of northern Tsugaru Peninsula, and the wetlands of Juniko and Jusanko lakes and marshes.[3]
Location:  Honshū, Japan

Tsugaru Quasi-National Park  Click to go to Wikipedia