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Hiba-Dogo-Taishaku Quasi-National Park

Hiba-Dogo-Taishaku Quasi-National Park (比婆道後帝釈国定公園, Hiba-Dōgo-Taishaku Kokutei Kōen) is a Quasi-National Park that spans areas of Tottori Prefecture, Shimane Prefecture, and Hiroshima Prefecture, to the east of the island of Honshu, Japan.[1][2] It was founded on 24 July 1963 and has an area of 78.08 square kilometres (78,080,000 m2).[3] As its name suggests, the Hiba-Dogo-Taishaku Quasi-National Park is composed of a series of mountains and ravines in the middle of the Chūgoku Mountains.[4] The park has virgin forests of Japanese beeches, Japanese oaks, Japanese horse-chestnuts and interesting ferns. Fauna include the Asiatic black bear, Japanese macaque, mountain hawk eagle and the Japanese giant salamander. Lake Shinryū is also a component of the park.
Location:  Tottori/Shimane/Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan

Hiba-Dogo-Taishaku Quasi-National Park  Click to go to Wikipedia