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Mount Sentsū

Mount Sentsū (船通山, Sentsū-zan), also known in English as Sentsūzan,[1] is a mountain located on the border of Nichinan, Tottori Prefecture and Okuizumo, Shimane Prefecture, in Japan. Mount Sentsū has an elevation of 1,142 m (3,747 ft) and is one of the highest peaks in the Chūgoku Mountain Range and part of the Hiba-Dogo-Taishaku Quasi-National Park. Mount Sentsū was historically on the border of the ancient provinces of Hōki Province and Izumo Province.[2] The base of Mount Sentsū is primarily composed of granite. This granite is a rich source of iron sand, and the mountain was historically known as a source for this material.[3]
Elevation:  1,142 m (3,747 ft)
Parent peak:  Chūgoku Mountains  

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