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Sado Island

Sado Island (佐渡島, Sadogashima or Sadoshima) is an island located in the eastern part of the Sea of Japan, under the jurisdiction of Sado City, Niigata Prefecture, Japan, with a coastline of 262.7 kilometres (163.2 mi). In October 2017, Sado Island had a population of 55,212 people. Sado Island covers an area of 854.76 km2 (330.02 sq mi), and is the second largest island after Okinawa Island outside of the four main islands of Japan, excluding the disputed Southern Kurils.[1] The shortest distance between Sado Island and Honshu is 32 km (20 mi).[2] The highest peak on Sado Island is Mount Kinpoku, with an elevation of 1,172 m (3,845 ft).[3]
Location:  Japanese Archipelago
Futatsugame Tombolo

Sado Island  Click to go to Wikipedia