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Doki River

The Doki River (土器川 Dokigawa) is a Japanese stream that begins in the town of Mannō (Kagawa Prefecture, Nakatado District) within the Sanuki Mountains and ends in the city of Marugame. The Doki river is 33 km long and the catchment area is 127 km2; the population of the catchment is about 39000.[1] In the 20th and 21st centuries devastating floods occurred in years 1912, 1954, 1976, 1990 and 2004. The 1954 flood caused the death of 1, 2180 were injured. In 2004 two levees collapsed, which resulted in submersion of 75 homes.[2]
Mouth:  Seto Inland Sea  
Length:  33 km (21 mi)  
Basin size:  127 km2 (49 sq mi)  

Doki River  Click to go to Wikipedia