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Daggertooth pike conger

The daggertooth pike conger (Muraenesox cinereus) also known as the darkfin pike eel in Australia, to distinguish it from the related pike-eel (Muraenesox bagio),[3] is a species of eel in the pike conger family, Muraenesocidae.[4] They primarily live on soft bottoms in marine and brackish waters down to a depth of 800 m (2,600 ft), but may enter freshwater.[4] They commonly grow to about 1.5 m (4.9 ft) in length,[5] but may grow as long as 2.2 m (7.2 ft).[4] Daggertooth pike congers occur in the Red Sea, on the coast of the northern Indian Ocean, and in the West Pacific from Indochina to Japan. A single specimen was also reported in the Mediterranean Sea off Israel in 1982.[6]

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