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Temple in Takasaki

1.Shorinzan Daruma Temple
Shorinzan Daruma Temple (少林山達磨寺, shōrinzan daruma-ji) is a small temple located in Takasaki, Gunma Prefecture. It was built in 1697 by the Obaku school of Zen Buddhism. Takasaki is known as the birthplace of daruma, as it is believed that the dolls originated from the region many years ago. The daruma of Shorinzan are said to be especially lucky, leading the city's PR department to dub Takasaki as The Lucky Town.[1]
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2.Kōzuke Kokubun-ji  ・Maebashi, Takasaki, Gunma Prefecture
Kōzuke Kokubun-ji (上野国分寺跡) was a Japanese Buddhist temple located on the border of what is now the cities of Maebashi and Takasaki Gunma Prefecture, Japan. It was one of the provincial temples established by Emperor Shōmu during the Nara period (710 – 794) for the purpose of promoting Buddhism as the national religion of Japan and standardising control of the Yamato rule to the provinces.[1] The temple no longer exists, but the temple grounds were designated as a National Historic Site by the Japanese government in 1926.[2] The ruins of the provincial nunnery, the Kōzuke Kokubun-niji (上野国分寺尼跡) is adjacent to they site but is not part of the National Historic Site designation.
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