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Temple in Yokohama

1.Sōji-ji  ・2-Chōme 1-1 Tsurumi, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture
Sōji-ji (總持寺) is one of two daihonzan (大本山, "head temples") of the Sōtō school of Zen Buddhism.[1] The other is Eihei-ji temple in Fukui Prefecture. Fodor's calls it "one of the largest and busiest Buddhist institutions in Japan".[2] The temple was founded in 740 as a Shingon Buddhist temple. Keizan, later known as Sōtō's great patriarch Taiso Jōsai Daishi, founded the present temple in 1321,[3] when he renamed it Sōji-ji with the help and patronage of Emperor Go-Daigo.[4][5] The temple has about twelve buildings in Tsurumi, part of the port city of Yokohama, one designed by the architect Itō Chūta.
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