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Temple in Sakal

1.Nanshū-ji  ・1-2 Minamihatagochohigashi, Sakai-ku, Sakai-shi, Osaka-fu
Nanshū-ji (南宗寺) is a Buddhist temple in the Sakai ward of the city of Sakai, Osaka Prefecture, Japan. It belongs to the Daitoku-ji-branch of the Rinzai school of Japanese Zen. Its main image is a Shaka Sanzon. Its Japanese garden, laid out by Furuta Oribe in 1619, is designated a National Place of Scenic Beauty.[1] The temple is the bodaiji of the Miyoshi clan and for many schools of the Japanese tea ceremony.
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2.Ebara-ji  ・1-8-21 Osaka Prefecture Sakai, Nishi-ku, Ebaraji-cho
Ebara-ji (家原寺) is a Buddhist temple in Nishi-ku, Sakai, Osaka Prefecture, Japan. It is affiliated with Kōyasan Shingon-shū. The central icon is the Bodhisattva, Monju (Mañjuśrī).
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Sect:Kōya-san Shingon
Myōkoku-ji (妙国寺) is a Buddhist temple in Sakai, Osaka Prefecture, Japan and one of head temples of the Nichiren Sect. It is known as the location of the 1868 Sakai incident.
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