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Temple in Ikoma, Nara

1.Enpuku-ji (Nara)  ・390 Arisato-chō, Ikoma, Nara Prefecture
Enpuku-ji (円福寺) is a Buddhist temple of the Shingon Risshu school, in Ikoma, Nara, Japan. The main object of worship (本尊) is Amida Nyorai.
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Sect:Shingon Ritsu
Chikurin-ji (竹林寺) is a Buddhist temple in Ikoma, Nara, Japan. The main object of worship (本尊) is Monju Bosatsu (Manjushri).
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3.Hōzan-ji  ・1-1 Monzen-chō, Ikoma, Nara Prefecture
Hōzan-ji (宝山寺 Hōzan-ji) is a Buddhist temple in Monzen-machi, Ikoma, Nara, Japan. Though officially dedicated to the deity Acala (Fudō Myōō), the temple serves as a cult-center of the deity Kangiten (Shoten) and is also called 'Ikoma-Shōten' (生駒聖天).
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Sect:Shingon Ritsu

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