Temple in Nankoku, Kōchi in Japan| Awesome Search Japan

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Temple in Nankoku, Kōchi

1.Zenjibu-ji  ・Kōchi-ken
Zenjibu-ji is a Shingon Buddhist Temple located in Nankoku, Kōchi, Japan. It is the 32nd temple of the Shikoku Pilgrimage.[1] According to the temple records, under imperial decree from Emperor Shōmu, the temple hall was created in order to pray for the safety of Gyōki during a sea voyage. Later, Kūkai sensed the hall as a sacred place, and while performing a goma carved Kannon as the honzon of the temple. Due to the shape of the mountain the temple was located on being shaped like the eight-leafed lotus and Mount Potalaka, Kūkai prayed to Akasagarbha, and named the temple Gumonji-in Zenjibu-ji (求聞持院禅師峰寺).
2.Tosa Kokubun-ji  ・Kōchi-ken
Tosa Kokubun-ji is a Shingon Buddhist Temple located in Nankoku, Kōchi, Japan. It is the 29th temple of the Shikoku Pilgrimage.[1][2] It is also the Tosa Province Sōja shrine
3.Hie temple ruins  ・Nankoku, Kōchi, Japan
Hie temple ruins (比江廃寺跡, Hie haiji ato) is an archeological site with the ruins of a Hakuhō period Buddhist temple located in the Hie neighborhood of what is now the city of Nankoku, Kōchi, Japan. The foundations of its pagoda were designated as a National Historic Site in 1934, with the area under protection extended in 1982.[1]
