Shrine in Takaoka, Toyama in Japan| Awesome Search Japan

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Shrine in Takaoka, Toyama

1.Imizu Shrine  ・Shinto  ・1-1 Kojo, Takaoka-shi, Toyama-ken, Japan
Imizu Shrine (射水神社, Imizu Jinja) is a Shinto shrine located in the Kojo neighborhood of the city of Takaoka, Toyama Prefecture, Japan. It one of four shrines claiming the title of ichinomiya of former Etchū Province. The main festival of the shrine is held annually on April 23.[1]
Main deity:Ninigi
2.Keta Jinja  ・Shinto  ・1-10-1 Fushikiichinomiya, Takaoka-shi, Toyama-ken
Keta Shrine (気多神社, Keta Jinja) is a Shinto shrine located in the Fushiki-ichinomiya neighborhood of the city of Takaoka, Toyama Prefecture, Japan. It one of four shrines claiming the title of ichinomiya of former Etchū Province, and has one of the strongest claims, as it is located in close proximity to the ruins of the provincial capital, kokubunji and the Sōja of Etchū Province, and the local place name is also ichinomiya". The main festival of the shrine is held annually on April 18.[1]
Main deity:Ōkuninushi

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