Shrine in Ōmihachiman in Japan| Awesome Search Japan

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Shrine in Ōmihachiman

1.Oiso Shrine  ・Shinto  ・Ōmihachiman-shi, Shiga-ken
Oiso Shrine (奥石神社, Oiso Jinja) is a Shinto shrine located in the Azuchi neighborhood of the city of Ōmihachiman, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. It located on the old Nakasendō highway connecting Kyoto with the eastern provinces of Japan, and part of the precincts are a National Historic Site.[1] The main kami enshrined is Ame-no-Koyane, who at this shrine is worshipped as the kami of then kitchen and protection against fire, and for easy childbirth.
Main deity:Ame-no-Koyane
2.Himure Hachiman-gū  ・Shinto  ・Ōmihachiman-shi, Shiga-ken
Himure Hachiman-gū (日牟禮八幡宮) is a Shinto shrine located in the city of Ōmihachiman, Shiga Prefecture, Japan. The city is named after this shrine, and it is located within the Omihachiman City Traditional Buildings Preservation Area. The shrine has two main festivals, the Sagichō Matsuri (左義長まつり) and the Hachiman Matsuri (八幡まつり) which are both designated National Intangible Folk Cultural Properties.[1]
Main deity:Emperor Ōjin, Empress Jingū, Hime-gami

