Shrine in Tanabe, Wakayama in Japan| Awesome Search Japan

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Shrine in Tanabe, Wakayama

1.Kumano Hongū Taisha  ・Shinto  ・1110 Hongucho Hongu, Tanabe, Wakayama Prefecture 647-1731, Japan
Kumano Hongū Taisha (熊野本宮大社) is a Shinto shrine located in the jurisdiction of Tanabe, Wakayama, deep in the rugged mountains of the southeast Kii Peninsula of Japan. It is included as part of the Kumano Sanzan in the World Heritage Site "Sacred Sites and Pilgrimage Routes in the Kii Mountain Range". The main deity enshrined is Kumano Gongen (熊野権現). All of the ancient Kumano Kodō routes lead to the Grand Shrine.
Main deity:Kumano Gongen (熊野権現)
