Shrine in Unnan in Japan| Awesome Search Japan

Awesome Search Japan

Shrine in Unnan

1.Suga Shrine  ・Shinto
Suga Shrine is a Shinto shrine in Unnan, Shimane Prefecture, Japan[1] The shrine, claimed to stand on the site of the palace Shinto deity Susanoo built after defeating the Yamata no Orochi, enshrines Susanoo, Kushinadahime, and their son Yashimajinumi.[2] According to the Kojiki it was the first Shrine in Japan.[3] It was founded immediately after the battle when Susanoo married Kushinadahime.[4] The Shrine is also seen as the birthplace of Waka poetry.[1] [3][4] After Susanoo wrote a poem about the surrounding area.[4]
Main deity:Yashimajinumi
