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Castle in Matsumoto, Nagano

1.Ogasawara clan castle sites
The Ogasawara clan castle sites (小笠原氏城跡, Ogasawara-shi jō-seki) were a number Sengoku period yamashiro-style Japanese castles located in what is now part of the city of Matsumoto, Nagano prefecture. These fortifications were built in the Muromachi period by the Ogasawara clan, who ruled the area at the time. Two of the castle ruins, that of Igawa Castle and Hayashi Castle, have been protected collectively as a National Historic Sites since 2017.[1]
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2.Matsumoto Castle
Matsumoto Castle (松本城, Matsumoto-jō), originally known as Fukashi Castle, is one of Japan's premier historic castles, along with Himeji and Kumamoto. It was the seat of Matsumoto Domain under the Edo Period Tokugawa shogunate. It is located in the city of Matsumoto, in Nagano Prefecture. The keep 天守閣 (tenshukaku), which was completed in the late sixteenth century, maintains its original wooden interiors and external stonework. It is listed as a National Treasure of Japan, and is one of the twelve surviving tenshu in Japan.[1] It is surrounded by 4 buildings which have also been designated as National Treasures.[2]
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