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Castle in Aki, Kōchi

1.Aki Castle
Aki Castle (安芸城, Aki-jō) was a castle of the Aki clan in what is now the city of Aki, Kōchi Prefecture, Japan. Ruins still remain and the site was designated an Aki City Historic Site.[1] It is believed the castle was built by Aki Chikauji in 1308.[2] In 1569, the castle was besieged by Chōsokabe Motochika's force. Aki Kunitora, who was known as one of the seven great samurai of the Aki, entrenched himself in the castle, but later surrendered and committed seppuku.[3][4] Following the fall of the castle, Motochika appointed his younger brother Kōsokabe Chikayasu as the lord of the castle[3] and the castle became an important base for the Chōsokabe clan to invade Awa.[5]
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