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Castle in Minamishimabara

1.Hara Castle
Hara Castle (原城, Hara-jō) was a Japanese castle in Hizen Province (today in Minamishimabara, Nagasaki). During the Shimabara Rebellion (1637–1638), rebellious peasants were besieged there. As a result of the Shimabara Rebellion in 1637, the Shogunate decided to expel the Portuguese from Japan. The Dutch, meanwhile, gained the trust of the authorities after they bombarded Hara Castle, where the insurgents had taken refuge, and thus gained a monopoly on European trade with Japan.
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2.Hinoe Castle
Hinoe Castle (日野江城, Hinoe-jō) is a castle located in Minamishimabara, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. The castle was originally built in the 13th century. It belonged to the Arima clan, and was the residence of the Christian daimyō. In 1637, during the Shimabara Rebellion, it was burned down by the forces of the Tokugawa Shogunate. The castle's ruins can still be seen.[1]
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