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Museum in Nagasaki

1.Dejima  ・Nagasaki
Dejima (Japanese: 出島, "exit island") or Deshima,[a] in the 17th century also called Tsukishima ( 築島, "built island"), was an artificial island off Nagasaki, Japan that served as a trading post for the Portuguese (1570–1639) and subsequently the Dutch (1641–1854).[1] For 220 years, it was the central conduit for foreign trade and cultural exchange with Japan during the isolationist Edo period (1600–1869), and the only Japanese territory open to Westerners.[2]
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2.Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum  ・7-8 Hirano-machi, Nagasaki, Nagasaki
The Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum (長崎原爆資料館, Nagasaki Genbaku Shiryōkan) is in the city of Nagasaki, Japan. The museum is a remembrance to the atomic bombing of Nagasaki by the United States on 9 August 1945 at 11:02:35 am. Next to the museum is the Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims, built in 2003. The bombing marked a new era in war, making Nagasaki a symbolic location for a memorial.[1] The counterpart in Hiroshima is the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. These locations symbolize the nuclear age, remind visitors of the vast destruction and indiscriminate death caused by nuclear weapons, and signify a commitment to peace.[2]
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3.Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture
The Nagasaki Museum of History and Culture (長崎歴史文化博物館, Nagasaki Rekishi Bunka Hakubutsukan) in Nagasaki, Japan is one of the few museums in Japan devoted to the theme of "overseas exchange". The museum holds 48,000 items in its collection, including historical documents and arts and crafts, that tell the story of Nagasaki as the sole window opened to foreign countries during the period of national isolation. The museum also contains a reconstruction of part of the Nagasaki Magistrate's Office called bugyōsho, a local agency of the central government in the Edo period.
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4.Twenty-Six Martyrs Museum and Monument
The Twenty-Six Martyrs Museum and Monument were built on Nishizaka Hill in Nagasaki, Japan in June 1962 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the canonization by the Roman Catholic Church of the Christians executed on the site on February 5, 1597. The 26 people, a mixture of 20 native Japanese Christians and six foreign priests (four Spaniards, one Mexican and one Portuguese from India) had been arrested in Kyoto and Osaka on the order of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the national ruler, for preaching Christianity. They were imprisoned, then later marched through the snow to Nagasaki, so that their execution might serve as a deterrent to Nagasaki's large Christian population. Hung up on 26 crosses with chains and ropes, the Christians were lanced to death in front of a large crowd on Nishizaka Hill. Saint Paul Miki is said to have preached to the crowd from his cross.
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5.Nagasaki Subtropical Botanical Garden
Nagasaki subtropical botanical garden (長崎亜熱帯植物園 Nagasaki prefecture subtropical botanical garden Anettai Shokubutsuen) It is a botanical garden that was in Wakimisakimachi 833, Nagasaki, Nagasaki, Japan. Nagisaki Town, a subtropical botanical garden in Nagasaki City, was closed on March 31, 2017 and completed operation for 47 years. In the closing ceremony, volunteer leaders and members of the local residents' association also participated and missed parting with the garden which contributed to the revitalization of the area for about half a century.
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