People memorial hall in Yamagata (city) in Japan| Awesome Search Japan

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People memorial hall in Yamagata (city)

1.Mogami Yoshiaki Historical Museum
The Mogami Yoshiaki Historical Museum (最上義光歴史館, Mogami Yoshiaki Rekishikan) is a museum in the city of Yamagata in northern Japan just outside the reconstructed Great Eastern Gate of Yamagata Castle. It focuses on the place in history of Mogami Yoshiaki and his role in building the foundations of present-day Yamagata.[1] The museum opened on 1 December 1989[2] in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of modern Yamagata City.[3] Its purpose is to preserve and study, display and make accessible to the public historical items from Yoshiaki's time (1546- 1614) when the Yamagata Domain was the fifth largest feudal domain in Japan. Armory, swords and firearms from the historic battles of the 16th century and later are exhibited, along with art works, old maps of the castle town and official documents connected with the Mogami clan and its history. Among the museum's most prized items exhibited are the large standing screen of the Battle of Hasedo, and Mogami Yoshiaki's helmet and battle command baton. There are also special exhibitions of old and modern swords. The museum has English information on the exhibits available. Admission is free. The museum is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and is closed Mondays.
2.Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum
The Yamadera Basho Memorial Museum (山寺芭蕉記念館, Yamadera Bashō Kinenkan) was established in 1989 as part of the cultural building boom in Yamagata, Japan celebrating the 100-year anniversary of the founding of the city. About 20 minutes by train (Senzan Line between Yamagata and Sendai) from Yamagata Station, it sits on the south side of the steep river valley facing Yamadera to the north, the historic temple founded in 860,[1] a sightseeing destination.[2]

