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Mountain in Semboku, Akita

1.Mount Hachimantai  ・1,613 m (5,292 ft)  ・Ōu Mountains
Mount Hachimantai (八幡平, Hachimantai) is the highest peak of a group of stratovolcanos distributed around the Hachimantai plateau in the Ōu Mountains in northern Honshū, Japan. This volcanic plateau is part of the Nasu Volcanic Zone and straddles the border between the Iwate Prefecture and Akita Prefecture. The volcano is listed as one of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains, and forms part of the Towada-Hachimantai National Park.[1]
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2.Mount Akita-Komagatake  ・1,637 m (5,371 ft)[1]
Akita-Komagatake (秋田駒ヶ岳) is an active stratovolcano located 10 km east of Tazawa Lake, near the border between Akita and Iwate prefectures on Honshu Island.[2] The volcano last erupted from 18 September 1970 to 25 January 1971.[3] It is the highest mountain in Akita Prefecture [4] and the second highest in Towada-Hachimantai National Park.[5]
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3.Akita-Yakeyama  ・1,366 m (4,482 ft)
Akita-Yake-Yama is a small stratovolcano in Akita Prefecture, Japan, that is known for its radioactive waters. A small parasitic lava dome is located four kilometers from the volcano.[1]
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4.Mount Hachimantai  ・1,613 m (5,292 ft)  ・Ōu Mountains
Mount Hachimantai (八幡平, Hachimantai) is the highest peak of a group of stratovolcanos distributed around the Hachimantai plateau in the Ōu Mountains in northern Honshū, Japan. This volcanic plateau is part of the Nasu Volcanic Zone and straddles the border between the Iwate Prefecture and Akita Prefecture. The volcano is listed as one of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains, and forms part of the Towada-Hachimantai National Park.[1]
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