Mountain in Tsumagoi in Japan| Awesome Search Japan

Awesome Search Japan

Mountain in Tsumagoi

1.Mount Asama  ・2,568 m (8,425 ft)
Mount Asama (浅間山, Asama-yama) is an active complex volcano in central Honshū, the main island of Japan. The volcano is the most active on Honshū.[3] The Japan Meteorological Agency classifies Mount Asama as rank A.[4] It stands 2,568 metres (8,425 ft) above sea level on the border of Gunma and Nagano prefectures.[5] It is included in 100 Famous Japanese Mountains.
2.Mount Azumaya  ・2,354 m (7,723 ft)
Mount Azumaya (四阿山, Azumaya-san) is a stratovolcano in Japan. The 2,354-metre-high (7,723 ft) peak lies on the border of Nagano Prefecture and Gunma Prefecture. There exist alternative spellings of the mountain's name, like: 吾妻山 and 吾嬬山 which is read as "Agatsuma-yama" (Mount Agatsuma). In the village Tsumagoi, the mountain is spelled 吾妻山.

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