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Mountain in Chichibu, Saitama

1.Mount Kobushi  ・2,475 m (8,120 ft)  ・Okuchichibu Mountains
Mount Kobushi (甲武信ヶ岳, Kobushigadake) is a mountain on the border of Saitama, Yamanashi, and Nagano prefectures in Japan.[1] The mountain is the source of the Arakawa and Shinano Rivers.[2][3] It is one of the 100 Famous Japanese Mountains.
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2.Mount Sanpō  ・2,483 m (8,146 ft)[1]  ・Okuchichibu Mountains
Mount Sanpō (三宝山, Sanpō-yama) is a mountain on the border between Chichibu, Saitama and Kawakami, Nagano in the Okuchichibu Mountains of Japan. At a height of 2,483 m (8,146 ft), it is the highest point in Saitama.[2]
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