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Mountain in Kiso, Nagano (town)

1.Mount Ontake  ・3,067 m (10,062 ft)[1]
Mount Ontake (御嶽山, Ontake-san), also referred to as Mount Kiso Ontake (木曽御嶽山, Kiso Ontake-san), is the 14th highest mountain and second highest volcano in Japan (after Mount Fuji) at 3,067 m (10,062 ft).[3] It is included in Kyūya Fukada's 1964 100 Famous Japanese Mountains.
Wikipedia  detail  
2.Mount Kisokoma  ・2,956 m (9,698 ft)[1]  ・Kiso Mountains
Mount Kisokoma (木曽駒ヶ岳, Kisokoma-ga-take) is a mountain located in Miyada, Kamiina District, and Kiso and Agematsu, Kiso District, Nagano Prefecture, in the Chūbu region of Japan. It is 2,956 m (9,698 ft) tall and is the tallest peak in the Kiso Mountains. It is also included on the list of "100 Famous Japanese Mountains." Sometimes its name is just shortened to Kisokoma. Alternative kanji for the name are 木曾駒ヶ岳 (Kisokoma-ga-take).
Wikipedia  detail  

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