Mountain in Kōfu, Tottori in Japan| Awesome Search Japan

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Mountain in Kōfu, Tottori

1.Mount Daisen  ・1,729 m (5,673 ft)[1]  ・Chūgoku Mountains
Mount Daisen (大山, Daisen) is a dormant stratovolcano in Tottori Prefecture, Japan. It has an elevation of 1,729 metres. This mountain is the highest in the Chūgoku region, and the most important volcano on the Daisen volcanic belt, which is a part of the Southwestern Honshu volcanic arc, where the Philippine Sea Plate is subducting under the Amurian Plate.[citation needed]
2.Hiruzen  ・1,202 m (3,944 ft)  ・Chūgoku Mountains
Hiruzen (蒜山, ひるぜん) is the name of an area located in the North of Maniwa City in the north of Okayama Prefecture, Japan. Hiruzen was formed of 3 small towns: Chuka, Yatsuka, and Kawakami, which together were known as the town of Hiruzen, which was merged with several other towns to become current Maniwa City in 2005. Its main feature is the Hiruzen Sanza (蒜山三座), a mountain located on the border of Okayama and Tottori prefectures on the main island of Honshu in Japan. The Hiruzen Sanza consists of three peaks of similar elevation, the highest being Mt. Kamihiruzen (Hiruzen (上蒜山)) at 1,202 m (3,944 ft).[1] The Hiruzen Highlands, (also known as the Hiruzen Plateau) has an elevation of 500 metres (0.31 mi) to 600 metres (0.37 mi).[2] Hiruzen is an important part of the Daisen-Oki National Park.[3][4]
3.Mount Hōbutsu  ・1,005 m (3,297 ft)  ・Chūgoku Mountains
Mount Hōbutsu (宝仏山, Hōbutsu-san) is a Japanese mountain located on the border of Hino and Kōfu, Tottori. The area around the mountain was incorporated into as a part of Daisen-Oki National Park, in March 2002. It has an elevation of 1,005 metres. This mountain is one of Chūgoku 100 mountains and Tottori 50 mountains.
