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Temple in Inazawa

1.Owari Kokubun-ji  ・Shiroato-2490 Yawasechō, Inazawa-shi, Aichi-ken 492-8342
The Owari Kokubun-ji (尾張国分寺) is a Buddhist temple located in the Yawase neighborhood of the city of Inazawa, Aichi, Japan. The temple belongs to the Myōshin-ji branch of the Rinzai school of Japanese Zen. Its main image is a statue of Yakushi Nyōrai. It is the modern successor of one of the provincial temples established by Emperor Shōmu during the Nara period (710 – 794) for the purpose of promoting Buddhism as the national religion of Japan and standardising control of Yamato rule over the provinces.[1] The foundation stones of the original temple was designated as a National Historic Site by the Japanese government in 2012.[2]
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